Leibster Award and feeling encouraged…

2 thoughts on “Leibster Award and feeling encouraged…”

  1. Hey there! Firstly, let me apologize for the inexcusable lateness of my reply! For some reason I thought I would get a notification when someone linked to my profile, and I haven’t been checking WordPress often until now! (Moving out of uni and settling in back home has been a bit of an upheaval, but it should be smooth sailing from now on!). Thank you so much for your participation ☺ I Struggle with the whole, “who on earth will ever read this” thing too, but I’m sure it’s not just us who feel that way in the world of new bloggers (I hope!). I also love free food, and have never (not even once) kept a plant alive. I think R. N. Albon sounds like a name from an adventure, not a nurse! Also, how cool that you would go back to da Vinci’s time, that sounds amazing. I had to google Georgia O’Keefe! I hope you had some fun with this, and again, I’m so sorry I didn’t see this earlier! Funnily enough, you posted on my birthday 🙂

    1. Oh no worries. And happy belated birthday! I researched Georgia O’keefe pretty extensively for a thesis I wrote involving her and have fallen in love. Not just with her work but with her story as well. She was a fiery woman who was not afraid to go after she wanted and to live according to her own rules instead of the rules society dictated for her.

      Keep writing… I look forward to following your blog =)

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